Theater Review (LA): ‘Game of Thrones: The Musical’ – All Men Must Laugh
There is balance in the universe. All the tears, disappointment, and tragedy you experience watching HBO’s Game of Thrones can be offset by enjoying the MACHA Theater production of Game of Thrones – the Musical. Not only did I laugh, but for the two hours of this musical romp, a happy smile never left my face. The venue, the music, and the humor all add up to a fun and memorable evening.
Anthem Film Festival: Slavery Is Alive and Well and May Be Living Down Your Street
Slavery has become more subtle and is not just something that happens far away in third world countries. This was the message of The Return, a film by director Matthew Szewczyk and producer Chelsea Fenton, which won the “Best Libertarian Ideals, Short Narrative” award at the Anthem Film Festival.
SXSW: ‘The Waiting’ – James Caan is Haunted and Blood Spills
A film must have strong characters to be remembered. I will remember ‘The Waiting’ for a long time, not only because of its characters, but because of how well they were used to explore human depravity,
The Making of ‘Effigy’
(First published on Opening e-mail is usually pretty uneventful, but that day in August was different. I saw an ad for the “The 2nd Annual Debra Hill Fellowship presents Producers Guild Weekend Shorts Contest”. Heck of a long name for a shorts contest. I’d heard of competitions like this before and they intrigued me. The goal […]
How to Succeed in Hollywood by Really Trying
(First published on How would you like to rub shoulders with producers and directors, find out insider secrets from produced screenwriters, recruit actors and production talent, and learn how to jump start your Hollywood career? You could havedone all of this and more at the September meeting of the Alameda Writers Group in Glendale, California. The […]