Archive for Musical
Theater Review (LA): ‘Game of Thrones: The Musical’ – All Men Must Laugh

There is balance in the universe. All the tears, disappointment, and tragedy you experience watching HBO’s Game of Thrones can be offset by enjoying the MACHA Theater production of Game of Thrones – the Musical. Not only did I laugh, but for the two hours of this musical romp, a happy smile never left my face. The venue, the music, and the humor all add up to a fun and memorable evening.
‘Evil Dead The Musical’ Sings Like a Chainsaw

The 1980s are cool again, as evidenced by the popularity of ‘Stranger Things.’ Something from the 1980s even stranger than ‘Stranger Things’ was the ‘Evil Dead’ trilogy. The films starring Bruce Campbell as Ash set the bar for campy horror. Can something be stranger yet? Yes: ‘Evil Dead The Musical.’
‘Opening Night’ – A Screenwriting School in Ninety Minutes

The LA Film Festival ‘Opening Night’ world premiere was Screenwriting 101 in 90 minutes. Filmmakers did everything right in this film, which stars Topher Grace as a failed Broadway star.
A ‘Bran Nue Dae’ Is On The Way

(Originally published on Bran Nue Dae (Brand New Day) is fun. I have a few minor complaints, but I’ll save those for later. I viewed this film at the Wilshire Screening Center, a tiny theater tucked in between doctors’ offices and concealed in a nameless glass and steel office tower. The film, not yet rated, […]
The Demon Barber of the Zeitgeist

A theatrical work can often tell us more about the time it was written in than the theme its author intended. Take the case of Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street. The story revolves around a barber, Sweeney Todd, who selectively killed his clients, sending their bodies down through a trap door to his […]